Okay...so I'm a little ashamed to admit this, but on the first of this month I had my first dentist appointment in literally years. It would shame me far too greatly to state the exact number of years. Sadly, the only real reason that I even made the appointment is that I had a hole in a tooth. A big 'ol hole! It was awful...I had sensitivity to cold, heat, sweet...everything. Initially, I noticed pain. Then I felt a little hole...but I did nothing. Shortly after, the hole got bigger. Finally, I couldn't bear it any longer and I had to see a professional. I tell you this embarrassing and frankly disgusting story to say this: during the time that the hole in my tooth was festering (for lack of a better word), I received multiple compliments on my beautiful teeth and gorgeous smile. Imagine that! I had a tooth literally dying with decay, but I was being complimented. People could see the outer enamel of my teeth, but not the decay that was killing it. It made me think ...
Thoughts about this Christian journey.