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Showing posts from November, 2016

The Outcome Doesn't Matter

**This blog is about the election in an indirect way** So let me tell you all what has been going on. Recently, my pastor has been has been preaching a series on holiness. His emphasis has not been on physical holiness and purity so much as spiritual holiness and the way we (as Christians) treat one another. Reconciliation was the buzz word. You see, as Christians, we are obliged to forgive those who have wronged us. The so-called Lord's Prayer actually makes the Father's forgiveness of us contingent on our ability and willingness to forgive others. Across the board, I am unlikely to be met with any opposition about the Christian's duty to forgive. However, when it comes to reconciliation? That is another story. Indeed, a lot of the rhetoric our there in Christendom surrounds forgiving, but not forgetting (read: forgiveness without reconciliation). But how can we name the name of Christ and refuse to be reconciled? That was the point of my pastor's sermon series...