This is yet another one of those rare blog posts from me. Actually, the truth is that I have started other posts, but never finished them for publication. This time is different, though. The Holy Spirit would not let me abandon this blog post. Not this time. At various points in the year, I have been noticing a shift. In the world. In the church. In myself. In the atmosphere. Anybody else feel it? It feels like the time is fast approaching when business as usual will no longer be enough. It feels like the same old way of operating will fail us. It feels like we need to step our game up, so to speak. In literally EVERYthing. EVERY aspect of our lives....but especially spiritually. I am woefully incapable of articulating what I feel in my spirit about the upcoming year, but I know that 2018 will be uncommon. I believe that God i getting ready to blow our minds in the upcoming year. And I don't necessarily mean with blessings. But this time will also require an uncom...
Thoughts about this Christian journey.