Hello out there! I've been silent for an extended period of time and for that I apologize. There is no excuse, so I will not offer one.... This Christian life is hard folks....and terribly inconvenient. In the recent past (yes, in the period of silence), I have been faced with some difficult decisions. To my shame and dismay, I didn't always make the right ones. Actually, more often than not, I made the wrong decisions. And I have been struggling to figure out why I chose the wrong path time and again. One word: disobedience. It is the first sin of mankind and has been plaguing us ever since the Garden of Eden. It is the root of every sin that we can commit within or without the body. And it is terribly difficult to excise. Disobedience rears its ugly head when we start to think of our own selfish, self-serving, evil will above God's pure, perfect, holy one. And is over-simplified as this may seem, all God wants us to do is obey Him. But disobedience is so pervasi...
Thoughts about this Christian journey.