Congestive heart failure or CHF, which can be caused by years of hypertension, occurs when the heart muscle is weakened and can no longer pump blood like it should. It causes fluid to back up in the lungs and is overall very bad for your system. Left untreated, it can lead to death. Why do I know this? My (sainted) father was diagnosed with CHF this past weekend after being rushed to the hospital while on vacation. I love my dad VERY much and I was dismayed (to say the least) at the news. Thank God he is doing much better. Jehovah Rophe is still in the healing business. Hallelujah!! Of course, I began thinking about CHF in spiritual terms. Are we letting our spiritual heart muscles get weak to the point of failure? Are we, AM I, being ever vigilant about my spiritual heart? Do I have the heart of Christ? Do I have a pure heart? A heart that follows hard after the Lord? My dad knew he was hypertensive. He'd seen several doctors and was on medication long-term, to the po...
Thoughts about this Christian journey.