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 Hello out there...

I was just taking a moment to scroll through my blog posts and I realized that FAR too many of my posts begin with an apology for lengthy silence. So this time around, I will not offer one. Suffice it to say that I am resurfacing...

...with a purpose. I'll explain...

I took a long (and quite frankly MUCH needed) break from blogging and social media altogether. Like all of you, I made it through the panic and uncertainty of the pandemic (thanks be to God!). I also came through a really difficult health journey (not COVID-related). I suppose I should say that I am coming through because this journey is far from over, but the Lord is faithful.

During the nearly four years of my health journey, the Lord has taken me through quite a few changes. I plan to blog about those in the future. In the meantime, I feel the Spirit of the Lord leading me to step out of my comfort zone and to turn these published blog posts as well as future ones into videos.

After a bit of foot dragging, I am being obedient. I will be posting on TikTok and YouTube. My anxiety is through the roof, but I am taking steps in faith, as any traveler on this inconvenient path must.

More to come...


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