Well, we are now a full four days into Lent and I have been convicted a million (only a slight exaggeration) times. In fact, I have been refusing to blog because I knew I would have to blog about these convictions. If you all could see all of the other drafts I have saved, you would shake your heads and tsk at me. I write post after post (or at least begin them) and then end up saving them because I do not have the release to post it. Somehow, they didn't feel authentic. The whole time, however, the Holy Spirit was whispering to me what I should post. He even used the voice of my dearest friend who gently said to me "You will have to be more transparent as you go further into ministry." I balked at that. Ministry?! I was surprised by the use of that word. And convicted. Surprised because that word has come up several times in the past few months and weeks. Convicted because I cannot honestly say I've been treating everything I do in service of the King as minis...
Thoughts about this Christian journey.