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Faith Manifestations

My people!!

I had to come back for a sort of part two to my previous blog because the Holy Spirit is impressing on me to finish the rest of the story. As I was praying yesterday morning about one of my faith frustrations, the Holy Spirit reminded me that on the other end of a faith frustration is a faith manifestation (somebody ought to shout "Hallelujah" at that!)...but there is a caveat to that. Faith manifestations are the natural conclusion of faith frustrations IF our posture is right.

I tell you!! That thing hit me in my chest this morning. I had to repent about my posture before the Lord in the midst of my faith frustrations. Truth be told, I was getting really impatient. My posture was not one of a humble serving waiting patiently for the Lord. Rather, I was "waiting" like an entitled brat. I never actually used this verbiage, but in essence I was saying, "I did my part God, so what is taking you so long? You gonna work this out for me or not?"

Now I know some of you read that and got uncomfortable. How can someone talk to Almighty God like that? I am not saying that I used that language, but my posture before Him was screaming that, while pointing to a watch and tapping my foot. God just hasn't been moving fast enough for me. To draw an analogy from the story in John 11, like Mary and Martha, in faith I made my requests known to God. I even stood on His word that He will not withhold any good thing from those that walk uprightly. So in prayer, I listed my filthy-rag righteousness before God as though I had pre-paid for a service and was now awaiting delivery. I had made God into a supernatural version of Amazon Prime. I bought it through my actions and righteousness and was waiting from my guaranteed two-day delivery.

But God is not bound by my human timetable. He is also no bound my human ideas of how things should work out. So yes, even though the manifestation of the promise of God has not yet arrived, my posture will no longer be that of an impatient, petulant child. Rather, I will declare like Martha that even though the situation has gotten objectively worse, I know that God is able and I will wait in a posture of worship and expectancy.

So let me further encourage someone. Let us not be so focused on the manifestation that we forget to worship the God of the manifestation. Faith frustrations will come. That is life. But faith frustrations will become faith manifestations when (y)our posture is right.


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